The Los Angeles Fire Department
Historical Archive

The Los Angeles Fire Department in 1900

The present department consists of one hundred and twenty full paid men.   The department owns its own houses, numbering eighteen in all, each conforming in architecture to the locality in which it is located, all being thoroughly equipped with the latest modern appliances, to enable the men to make quick response to all alarms.   There are one hundred and ninety-four street boxes, of the latest Gamewell pattern, with glass key protectors, enabling the citizen to ring an alarm without the least delay.    Throughout the city are scattered six hundred and sixty hydrants, a great many in the business portion having double outlets.    The Los Angeles Fire Department is up-to-date and will compare favorably with any department in cities of its size throughout the world, and is so recognized by the National Board of Underwriters.

- - Los Angeles Fire Department Illustrated 1900

E N G I N E  C O M P A N I E S

Engine Company No. 1
1901 Pasadena Avenue
and Avenue 19,
East Los Angeles

Engine Company No. 2
2127 East First Street
near Chicago Street,
Boyle Heights


Fire Department Headquarters
Engine Company No. 3
Truck Company No. B

346-348 South Hill Street

Maps and Photos of Los Angeles
1900 to 1909


Engine Company No. 4
Truck Company No. A

227 Aliso Street
near Los Angeles Street


Engine Company No. 5
525 East Fourth Street
at Fourth Street

Engine Company No. 6
1279 West Temple Street
at Edgeware Road


Engine Company No. 7
328 East 24th Street
at Maple Avenue

Engine Company No. 8
1839 South Hoover Street
near Washington Street

Engine Company No. 9
916 South Santee Street
near Ninth Street


Engine Company No. 10
Truck Company No. C

1615 South Hill Street
near Sixteenth Street

Engine Company No. 11
Truck Company Co. D

1819 West Seventh Street

C H E M I C A L  C O M P A N I E S


Chemical Engine Co. No. 1
Belmont Avenue near
West First Street

Chemical Engine Co. No. 2
Corner of Central Avenue
and Thirty-fourth Street

H O S E  C O M P A N I E S

Hose Company No. 1
Griffin Avenue
near Downey Avenue,
East Los Angeles

Hose Company No. 2
Winfield Street
near Union Avenue

Hose Company No. 3
Corner of Pico
and El Molino Streets

Hose Company No. 4
Jefferson Street,
Thirty-second and  McClintock Streets

Hose Company No. 5
Corner of Central
and Fourteenth Street


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