Los Angeles Fire Department
Historical Archive

Hose Company No. 4

The Companies

The Fire Houses

  Hose Company No. 4 Organized
  Disbanded to Organize Engine Co. 15

  Hose Company No. 4 Reorganized

  Disbanded to Organize Engine No. 58
  Engine Company 58 Organized


December 31, 1923

3202 S. McClintock and Jefferson

129 S. Loma Dr.
(X Chemical 1 qtrs moved from
137 S. Belmont)



Hose Company No. 4
Jefferson Street,
Thirty-Second and McClintock Streets

1900 - 1904

Source: LAFD Photo Album Collection
Vincent Photo

Hose Company No. 4
Circa 1904

Hose Company No. 4 opened February 22, 1900.  In 1904 Hose Company 4 closed and Engine Company 15 went into service.  Hose 4 went back into service in 1906 on Loma Dr.
 Land Cost $ 2,490.
 Construction Cost $ 8,662.


Source: LAFD Illustrated 1900

Lieutenant J. Clint. Johnson, Driver Ed. L. Barker, Hoseman John Noonan

Chemical Engine Co. No. 1
This building orginally located at 137 S. Belmont
was later moved to 129 S. Loma Dr.
1892 - 1907

Source: LAFD Photo Album Collection

Chemical Engine Co. No. 1
Circa 1900

This building housed  Chemical Co. 1 from 1892 to 1907 In 1907 Chemical Co. No. 1 closed and Hose Company No. 4 moved in.

Hose Company No. 4
1907 - 1923

Source: USC Library Collection
Circa 1910

chemical1_1905c_lafdphotoalbum_postcrd_2.gif (55984 bytes)

Source: LAFD Photo Album Collection
Fred Allen Post Card Collection

Source: Captain Duane Warth Collection

Hose Co. No. 4
Circa 1904
Annual Fiesta Parade
Fireman George W. Bright sitting between the flags

Source: Captain Duane Warth Collection

Circa 1904
The above article found in Chief Enginer Thomas Strohm's Scrap Book.

Source: Photo by Turk & Haelsig
George Bright was promoted to Lieutenant on August 1, 1902.  The Department, not wanting a black man commanding white firemen transferred all the black firemen to Hose 4 thus beginning the segregation years.

Source: Fireman Henry F. McCann
Scrap Book Collection
Circa 1914

Source: The African-American Firefighter Museum
 - Front row:  - Back row -(standing)
Fireman Harry Brown
Lieutenant George Bright
Lieutenant William Hall
Fireman Joseph Wilson
Fireman Edward Bowen
Fireman Andrias Davis
Fireman Edward Walker
Fireman Sylvester Elkins
Fireman Anthony Kyle
Fireman Harold Walker

Source: The African-American Firefighter Museum

Fireman Walter "Bob" Brown, Jr.

Source: The African-American Firefighter Museum

Fireman Lawrence Washington
Fireman Andrias Davis

Source: Spectrum/200

Hose Company No. 4

Hose Company No. 4 was motorized in 1919
with this 1914 Moreland Combination
Chemical & Hose Wagon 
Shop Number 55

Fireman Wilson
Fireman Brown
Fireman Walker
Lieutenant Wm. E. Hall



Source: The African-American Firefighter Museum

Hose Company No. 4
"A" and "B" Platoons
Circa 1921

          Bottom row 1-r
Fireman Edward Freeman
Fireman Henry Taylor
Fireman Joe Wilson
Fireman Harry Brown
Fireman Guy Bailey
Fireman Eugene Edwards
Fireman Clint McDaniel
Fireman Anthony Kyle

                 Top row
Fireman Lawrence Washington
Lieutenant Edward Walker
Fireman Jackson Taylor
Lieutenant William Hall

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